Meet Jelly & Yoshi
Duration: 1hr - 1hr 45min
Lesson Objectives:
To strengthen classroom culture by sharing important parts of our cultures and identities
To explore our personal identities and cultures
To examine how history impacts and shapes the world and the people we are today
Materials Needed:
Culture Cue Cards or Culture Slide with cultural identity categories
Review Your Class Norms or Collective Agreements (or see Creating Space for Difficult Conversations in the Classroom)
Play: Meet Jelly & Yoshi (2min)
Jelly and Yoshi are artists, Jelly from Toronto and Yoshi from Atlanta. They wanted to learn more about their history, so they agreed to participate in a Black history tour in each other’s cities. Here's a quick introduction!
Introduction (1 - 10min)
Jelly and Yoshi agree to participate in this docu-series because they want to learn more about who they are and where they come from. This icebreaker activity, adapted from Jada Monica Drew’s Revolutionize Now: Creative Leadership & Action for Social Change, builds classroom culture by providing students with an opportunity to share something unique or special about their identities.
If students have had limited conversations on themes connected to identity and culture, you can use a Menti Word Cloud or a piece of chart paper to brainstorm a collective definition of key terms.
Icebreaker: Culture Wheel (10 - 30min)
If you have a large group, split students in smaller groups of 4 to 8. They can sit or stand in a circle or if teaching virtually, students can meet in preset breakout rooms.
Now that Jelly and Yoshi have shared a little about their identities, you can ask students to share a little about themselves with each other. Introduce each culture identity component and the accompanying examples and ask students to pick one culture category and share something unique or special about their identities or cultures within their groups.
Follow-Up Questions
from Jada Monica Drew’s Revolutionize Now: Creative Leadership & Action for Social Change
How did the activity make you feel?
Did you have anything in common with someone else? If so, what?
What do you like about the activity?
What, if anything, made you feel uncomfortable during the activity?
Are we given enough time to share these things with each other? Why or why not?
Do you usually ask these questions up front when meeting someone new or when you are developing a work relationship? Why or why not?
Key Points
from Jada Monica Drew’s Revolutionize Now: Creative Leadership & Action for Social Change
Take time to learn deeply about one another.
It is important to develop more intentional relationships in order to understand each other more.
Be inquisitive after this activity! Make time to learn more about each other
Activity: Identity Chart (15 - 30min)
from Facing History and Ourselves
Have students complete an identity chart. Link to the activity is here.
Reflect and Share (30 - 45min)
Have students share or present their identity charts. Let them know they only have to share parts of their charts that they are comfortable with sharing.
Journal Reflection or Follow Up Questions:
From Exploring Identity - Facing History and Ourselves
What parts of your identity do you choose for yourself? What parts of your identity do you think are determined by others, by society, or by chance and by history?
Whose opinions and beliefs have the greatest effect on how you think about your own identity?
What dilemmas arise when others view you differently than you view yourself?
What aspects of your identity do you keep private in order to be accepted? What aspects of your identity are you willing to change to fit in?
Suggested Readings & Resources
Catalyst Change Resources by Jada Monica Drew
10 education word cloud activities that get students talking by Poll Everywhere
Exploring Identity by Facing History and Ourselves
“The Role of Afrocentricity in the Inclusive Curriculum in Canadian Schools” by George J. Sefa Dei